On the last Sunday of in December, As I sat for my usual Sunday mani/pedi at The Spa my technician asked “so what are your Resolutions for the New Year?” My response never changes…”I don’t make New Year resolutions.” Googles definition of Resolution is: (1) A firm decision to do or not do something. (2) The action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter. I don’t need the mark of a New Year to do these things. Every day I make firm decisions to do or not do things. Those decisions either actively help me to solve problems, disputes or contentious matters or not. I am a firm believer that we make resolutions daily consciously & subconsciously. Results of any sort, comes from the firm choices that we make each moment of our lives; not the ones we make on January 1 st . I challenge you to live in the moment, make firm decisions daily; however, be flexible enough to change those decisions if they are not actively helping y...